Curative Hypnotherapy -
The Basics

The Conscious -vs- The Subconscious
There are two distinct and very separate parts of the mind. On the one hand, there is the conscious, reasoning, analytical part of the mind. And then, working away in the background, there is the often overlooked but vitally important automatic and hidden part of the mind, known as the subconscious.
The subconscious is crucial for our survival. Unlike the conscious mind, it is incapable of thinking or analysing and simply reacts - quickly, instinctively and without hesitation. In this way, it enables us to blink, breathe and even drive a car. And because it reacts without time-consuming reasoning or analysis, it could mean the difference between life or death in situations where we are faced with an adversary or dangerous situation.
Think about when you accidentally touch something scalding hot, for example. You don't spend time analysing the fact that you might be burnt and then making a decision to pull your hand away. Rather, your hand instinctively jumps away of its own accord. Again, think about when you pick up a cup to drink. You don't have to first of all think about which muscles you need to use to grip the teacup and bring it to your lips; it just happens automatically. By simply reacting in this way, your subconscious looks after you; acting in your best interests and keeping you safe every minute of every day.
So How Does A Problem Come To Manifest?
As we go through life, we are rather like sponges, absorbing and soaking up all sorts of information about ourselves, other people and our environment. Through the lens of our own individual and unique perception, this information is filtered, interpreted and ultimately stored in our subconscious. Over time and, dependent upon subsequent events, this information is either confirmed or rejected and will go on to form a person’s Core Beliefs. But sometimes our initial interpretations are incorrect, inaccurate or faulty in some way. Nonetheless, the information is stored and lies dormant in the subconscious without issue… Until that is, some trigger comes along... Let me use an example....
Jonny is lying in bed ill one day when his friend, Jimmy, rings the doorbell to ask if Jonny can come out to play. Jonny's mum answers the door and replies, 'Oh, I'm sure he'd love to, Jimmy but he's not very bright at the moment.'
Now of course, with our adult knowledge and experience, we would automatically understand that Jonny's mum is referring to his health and not his intelligence. However, since Jonny is only 6 years of age at this time, he misunderstands, interpreting his mum's words as meaning he is not very clever. This doesn't cause him a problem at the time, however, and in fact he gives it no real thought. The information is stored away in Jonny's subconscious (his 'computer', if you will) and Jonny continues to go about his daily life.
One day in school a few months later, the teacher asks Jonny a question to which he doesn't know the answer. And so he replies, "I don't know, Miss." The teacher reprimands him, saying, "Jonny, you are a stupid boy - we learnt this just last week.." Something seems to trigger within Jonny and he goes home deflated. Although he tries to push the incident to the back of his mind, the information is again stored away in his subconscious and now builds upon that original incident with his mother. He again continues to go about his life but, in the hidden, subconscious part of Jonny's mind, the seeds of a Belief have begun to form within him; that he is not very clever and never will be.
Further incidents in Jonny's life over the next year or so compound things. Everywhere he turns, people seem to be making inferences to his intelligence (or lack of). Just the other day, his father had asked him to carry a cup of tea in to his mother from the kitchen. But then he'd added, "....actually, don't worry son, I'll get your older brother to do it." An innocuous comment yet Jonny, based on his previous experiences, took this to mean that he wasn't clever enough to be able to do this simple task. The thought never occurred to him that his father might have been worried that, at his young age, he might scald himself. Or that it was therefore safer to get his older brother to do it. No, it was simply that he wasn't clever enough, too stupid to be trusted....
And so, to protect him from further ridicule and embarrassment, his subconscious (designed to keep us safe, well and happy) at this point desperately searches for a solution... Yes, you've read that correctly - a solution! Because the subconscious doesn't see Jonny's resultant depression as a problem. Quite to the contrary! The subconscious has developed his depression quite specifically as a Protection for Jonny himself. Because with depression, no-one will want to bother with him; he will become isolated from others and thus less at risk of experiencing such embarrassment and ridicule about his intelligence.
Subconscious Solution -v- Conscious Problem
So... although our subconscious is there for our benefit and always reacts in our best interests, by creating what it sees as a 'solution' to our issues, it can in fact lead us to develop what becomes a 'problem' for us consciously. At this point, the subconscious and conscious minds are no longer working together or in tandem and that is where Curative Hypnotherapy comes in; to get the two working in harmony once more.
As we have seen, our subconscious works logically and will have a good and valid reason for going to the trouble of initially creating and then going on to maintain your symptom(s). It is this information which we need to look at in treatment. After all, if you were consciously aware of what has caused your problem, you would most likely have fixed things for yourself. It therefore follows that the answer must lie in the hidden, automatic, subconscious part of your mind. By using the state of hypnosis, we can enable the subconscious to step forward and explain the reasoning behind your symptom(s). Once known, we can then proceed to uncover the faulty Belief and get to the Root Cause.
The Curative Approach
Unlike standard therapies and treatments (which help a person to manage their symptoms through various coping strategies) Curative Hypnotherapy looks to find out the reason WHY your problem has come to exist in the first place. After all, if a tree is merely pruned, it is likely to grow back stronger... so why not dig up the roots? By getting to the root cause of the issue, we can examine and correct the underlying information, ultimately enabling you to dispose of your symptom or condition - completely and permanently.
Gentle yet highly effective, Curative Hypnotherapy aims to correct that crucial piece of misinformation, rather like correcting a faulty line of code in a computer programme. By locating the Core Belief the patient holds about themselves that, over time, caused the symptom/condition to become necessary, the underlying information can be reviewed and updated. With the Cause corrected and the faulty belief updated, there will no longer be a need for the symptom and this will naturally be disposed of, entirely and permanently, meaning the patient will never have to struggle with or ‘manage’ their symptom ever again!
We often think that unless medicine tastes horrible or treatment is gruelling and we undergo suffering of some kind then it cannot be effective. Yet with Curative Hypnotherapy, the complete opposite is true. Treatment is gentle and non-demanding yet highly effective in enabling a person to be entirely free of their problem(s); not just completely but permanently.
Wrong. The treatment is usually of relatively short duration and involves no distressing desensitisation, exposure tasks or ‘homework’ (other than a relaxing recording to listen to in between appointments). Further, since no regression is involved but simply retrieval of information from the subconscious, there can be no re-living of any traumatic events or their associated uncomfortable emotions.
© Copyright Wendy Mitcham 2023.
Sound Too Good To Be True?
But There Has To Be Some Kind of Catch, Right?