Curative Hypnotherapy
Literature & Articles

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As well as providing details of the treatment I provide, this literature:-
Outlines the kinds of issues, symptoms, conditions and problems which can be treated.
Provides answers to 'Frequently Asked Questions.'
Explains the difference between Curative Hypnotherapy and standard treatments.
Sets out location/map, fees, opening hours, appointment availability and contact details.
Literature on Curative Hypnotherapy
To date, there remain only four available texts in this highly advanced and specialised field; those of David Lesser (the founder of the therapy) and those of my colleague and much-respected fellow practitioner, Mary Ratcliffe. Full details are set out below, together with information as to how to purchase.
'Hypnotherapy Explained' by David Lesser
'In this, his first publication, David Lesser (the founder of the therapy) provides a fascinating insight into the Curative use of hypnosis, together with explanations as to the workings of the subconscious and an overview of the logic and purpose behind the treatment itself. Using engaging and real-life case histories, he demonstrates how the state of hypnosis can be used to uncover and correct the cause of many physical and mental problems so that they may be permanently corrected and disposed of. Whilst both the understanding and application of this unique and advanced therapy continue to evolve and advance, this first book provides an excellent introduction to what is now known as ‘Lesserian™ Curative Hypnotherapy.’ (Description as adapted from listing on Amazon).
In stock and available through Wendy Mitcham at The Hypnotherapy Practice. (Price: £10*)
*Please add £2.99 if postage is required.
'The Book of Hypnosis' by David Lesser
'Continuing on from his first book on the subject, David Lesser's second book delves further into the field of hypnotherapy, exposing the common myths and misperceptions surrounding the subject and showing the reader that, in the correct hands, hypnosis can be the most effective weapon in the armoury of any therapist. David goes on to provide a more in-depth look at Lesserian™ Curative Hypnotherapy and the mechanisms underpinning this unique modality, emphasising how, unlike mainstream treatments which focus on symptoms, LCH targets the ‘Why’ or root cause behind a person’s suffering. A must-read for all those considering alternatives to standard treatments or simply those with an interest in the subject.' (Description as reviewed on Amazon by Wendy Mitcham).
In stock and available through Wendy Mitcham at The Hypnotherapy Practice. (Price: £10*)
*Please add £2.99 if postage is required.

'What If It Really Is...?'
'A compelling, easily understandable, down-to-earth and often humorous look at the subconscious mind from a totally different and refreshingly positive angle. Written in a light-hearted style that sheds a clear light on powerful new ideas and theories by an ingenious use of amusing analogies and interesting anecdotes from every-day life.It speaks clearly and effortlessly, no hint of jargon, to anyone who has an enquiring mind, maybe an interest in becoming a therapist, and certainly a wish to become healthier and happier. Looking at the subject from an unusual perspective and seeing a whole new and bright horizon emerging.'
(Description as per listing on Amazon - click here to purchase).

'What Do You Expect...?
'Statistical evidence and scientific proof might impress us, but when we read real life stories, we can feel inspired and moved. We can sense the genuine relief of a real person whose everyday life has improved. Accompanying the theoretical world of ‘What if it really is... ?’, with its ideas, theories, analogies and anecdotes about the subconscious mind, ‘What do you expect... ?’ follows the treatments and benefits enjoyed by four people who are keen for you to hear their stories. You might find a challenge here to change your expectations, and if so, will you take that challenge?'
(Description as per listing on Amazon - click here to purchase).
As a licensed Curative Hypnotherapist, I like to keep my finger on the pulse of all the very latest developments; not only within my specialism but also in the fields of mental and physical health and well-being. I therefore constantly strive to keep my knowledge, training and skillset up to date, so as to provide the best possible service to you, the patient.
As well as attending regular conferences, seminars and webinars on various topics and undertaking ongoing research and study, I also enjoy writing articles. In doing so, my purpose is twofold. Firstly, I hope to raise awareness and understanding. Secondly, and more crucially, I aim to get the word out to you, the public, as to how this unique hypnotherapy treatment can help - not merely to 'manage' your symptom (as do standard treatments) but to dispose of it; permanently and completely.
My own articles are set out below. To access, simply click on the respective link. The full range of articles on Curative Hypnotherapy can be accessed via the link at the bottom of this page.

My Journey Through Curative Hypnotherapy (LCH) Treatment and Training
© Wendy Mitcham 2015

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) – What Is It And How Can LCH Help?
© Wendy Mitcham, 2016
A Look at the Reality of Life with Depression
© Wendy Mitcham, 2015

TOWIE Star Sam Faiers Turns to Hypnobirthing
TOWIE Star Sam Faiers Turns to Hypnobirthing for a Natural, Calm and Easy Birth
© Wendy Mitcham 2016
Click here to access the full range of articles on Curative Hypnotherapy (LCH).