Stop Smoking Treatment
Why Quitting is the BEST decision you will ever make
When you stop smoking, the benefits are many and varied and their impact on you, your health and lifestyle can be, well, quite drastic. What's more, many of these improvements can be seen much more quickly than you might realise.
Alongside the more obvious health benefits to your heart and lungs, people also report other positive changes, such as; healthier nails, improvement in skin appearance and feeling less stressed, to name just a few.
There are also real benefits to your family and friends - by not exposing them to your second-hand smoke, you will be protecting their health and reducing their chances of going on to suffer with illnesses such as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma attacks, meningitis and ear infections. Click here to read more about the effects of second-hand smoke.
And that's not to mention the considerable savings you'll make; money that could be better spent elsewhere. Click here to use the NHS cost calculator and work out just how much you could save.
With all these benefits, can you really afford not to quit?
Treatment Tailored Uniquely To You
The treatment package I offer is tailored specifically to you as the unique individual that you are, addressing the particular habits and associations you have formed around smoking.
Become a 'Non-Smoker' Not An 'Ex-Smoker'
By addressing both the habit and the cravings associated with smoking (whether cigarettes, roll-ups, pipes or cigars) treatment is designed to help you become a Non-Smoker, as opposed to an Ex-Smoker. As such, the difficulties you have may have encountered when previously trying to give up via other methods simply do not arise. So; no having to stay clear of other smokers, no nagging thoughts of smoking, no feeling that you're missing out and crucially, no alternative or substitute behaviours. You will simply become a Non-Smoker; no need or wish ever to smoke again.
No Will Power Required
Unlike others who are trying to stop smoking via other means, you won't have to battle with any urge or desire for a cigarette; you simply won't want one! And this change will occur naturally within you, without any apparent effort from you.

It's very easy to make the conscious decision to walk away when there is no urge. I tend to not even notice when people are smoking now.

Single Session
Although, obviously, no person is the same, most can be treated successfully with just one session. However, it is only at the consultation, when I have the full background to your smoking habit, that a fully informed decision can be made as to whether you will be able to benefit in this way or whether a full course of treatment sessions may be required.
Four Weeks' Aftercare
I am so confident in the treatment I provide that my treatment includes four weeks' aftercare. This means that, in the four-week period following your treatment session with me, should you have any doubts or worries about wanting or having another cigarette, I offer you the opportunity to return to me for an additional treatment session, free of charge.